Chiropractic FAQs

Is chiropractic safe?

Studies from around the world have determined chiropractic care to be remarkably safe. There is not only a very low risk of injury, but chiropractic care can also be used to avoid invasive surgeries and addictive drugs – leading the industry to consider it a conservative delivery of health care. Chiropractors always put safety at the forefront of their patients’ treatment plans. A thorough case history and physical examination of each patient is carried out to evaluate their health history, the cause of their problem and any underlying conditions that would prevent a safe adjustment from being given.

Are Chiropractors well educated and trained?

Before practicing chiropractic, Alberta Doctors of Chiropractic complete a four year, 4500 hour curriculum of specialized instruction and hands-on training at an accredited Chiropractic College. This is after completing an undergraduate degree and/or the required prerequisite courses. In order to earn the privilege to practice they must also pass National Board and Clinical Competency exams. In Alberta, chiropractic is a regulated health profession that is governed by legislation and required to comply with standards of practice laid out by the College of Chiropractors of Alberta.

Is chiropractic accepted within the medical community?

In the past, there was some skepticism towards chiropractic within the medical community, but research findings have changed the attitudes of many physicians. Increasing numbers of medical doctors and health care providers are recognizing the benefits of chiropractic care, and many refer their patients to Chiropractors.

What is an adjustment?

The chiropractic adjustment is the art of applying a specific thrust in a precise direction to a fixated, locked or improperly moving joint. The adjustment is most usually applied with the practitioner’s hands, but it can also be applied with a hand held instrument or with the use of a chiropractic table. Some methods of adjusting are quick, while others are slow and gradual. After years of training and clinical experience, Chiropractors become highly skilled in the art and science of adjusting.

The adjustment can release adhesions that have formed around the joint, and can help restore the joint to the position that is most conducive to fluid motion. The adjustment will directly improve spinal function, and may indirectly improve the function of the nervous system, which benefits the individual’s general health and well being.

Are all patients adjusted the same way?

Every patient’s spinal structure and genetic blueprint are unique – as are the environment and stresses that each patient experiences. Chiropractors evaluate each patient’s unique spinal problem and then develop an individualized program of care. Your Chiropractor will determine how you are adjusted and will recommend a course of care suitable for you – and only you.

Can I adjust myself?

It is virtually impossible to adjust yourself. Even your Chiropractor must seek out the services of a colleague to help restore and maintain their own spinal function. Although it is possible to bend and twist your neck or back to create a ‘popping’ or ‘cracking’ sound, this is not the result of an adjustment but is probably due to instability in the spine. The best way to enjoy the healthful benefits of chiropractic is to see your Chiropractor.

Why should I continue chiropractic care?

While it is ultimately up to you how long you benefit from chiropractic care, there are a number of reasons to continue with treatment. First, research suggests that the ligaments and muscles that support your spine continue to heal after your symptoms are gone. Continuing with chiropractic care encourages more complete healing – ensuring a more thorough and lasting recovery.

Second, rehabilitative care continues to retrain and strengthen your spine, which helps in avoiding a relapse of the problem that you initially sought help for. Continued chiropractic care helps to establish healthy patterns and can help in avoiding the reoccurrence of acute flare-ups.

Third, our bodies encounter common stresses on a daily basis. Long periods of sitting, mental stresses, toxic environments and many other everyday activities can stress your spine. Many of the degenerative processes that result from uncorrected spinal problems may be slowed, stopped or even reversed with regular spinal check-ups.

Fourth, continuing your care can save money. Regular chiropractic check-ups can help you avoid the expense of correcting serious problems that could have been prevented.

Do I need a chiropractor if I exercise?

Exercise is very important in maintaining good health. But while it can keep muscles strong and the body healthy, it can also expose underlying problems and even create injuries – this is where your Chiropractor can help. In the same way that someone who brushes their teeth still needs a dentist, someone who takes care of their body with exercise will still benefit from chiropractic care.

Why do children need chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is safe for children, and can help them in much the same way that it helps adults. Significant spinal trauma can occur at birth, leading many parents to have their newborns checked for the Vertebral Subluxation Complex – the most common spinal problem affecting new babies.

Later in life, learning to walk, riding a bike and many other childhood activities can cause spinal problems. A fall, aside from the obvious scrapes or bruises, can cause twisting and shearing forces to the spinal column, creating less obvious injuries to the child. Many of the childhood complaints that are brushed off as ‘growing pains’ can often be traced to the spine, and these conditions can worsen by degenerative processes if not addressed promptly.

Do I have a pinched nerve?

While many people see a Chiropractor because they think they have a pinched nerve, pinched nerves are actually a rare occurrence. Researchers suggest that pinched nerves cause only 10% to 15% of spinal related problems. When these cases do occur, it’s because a bone is putting direct pressure on nerve tissue, with those affected experiencing sensations of burning, numbness and/or ‘pins and needles’. In most cases, spinal problems are caused by irritated nerves, which can be caused by the loss of spinal curve, malfunctioning spinal joints or when nerve tissue is rubbed, scraped or stretched.

Do I have a slipped disc?

The term ‘slipped’ disc is . Because the fibres connecting the disc to the bone are stronger than the disc itself, discs cannot slip from the surface of a bone. Instead, an injury to the spine can tear, bulge, herniate or even rupture a disc. This bulging can put direct pressure on the nerves leaving the spinal column or even on the spinal chord itself. If severe, this kind of damage can lead to surgery.

While no guarantees are possible with any form of health care, many patients have avoided unnecessary surgeries or dependency on pain medications by choosing chiropractic care. Due to the inherent risks associated with surgery, conservative care should always be the first priority when considering surgical procedures.

Massage Therapy FAQs

What type of massages do your therapists offer?

All of our massage therapists perform therapeutic massages. They also perform relaxation massages but do not use hot stones or reflexology. Lotions are used, and the therapists will ask about any allergies before using any products.

Are your massage therapists licensed/registered?

Yes, all of our therapists are fully licensed and registered, and their registration numbers are provided on the receipts so you can submit them to your insurer.

What are the benefits of massage?

Decreased muscle tension is most noticeable. However, massage has many other positive benefits which include: improved digestion and sleep patterns, stress reduction, improved flow of nutrients to body tissues and decreased pain and headaches.

Do I need a doctor’s referral for massage therapy?

No, but if you are going to claim the cost of massage through insurance (at work, Blue Cross etc.) your insurance company may require a note from your doctor recommending massage therapy in order to approve your insurance claim. Please check with your insurance provider before booking an appointment to avoid any confusion.

Is massage therapy covered by Alberta Health Care or other insurance?

Massage therapy is not covered by Alberta Health Care but it may be covered by any third party insurance you may have (through work, spousal plan, Blue Cross, etc.). Contact the benefits administrator at your work place for details of your coverage or check your insurer package for further information.

How many years of experience do your massage therapists have?

All of our regeistered massage therapists have many years of experience. Please visit the Our Team section of our website for their biographies and experience.

Do I have to get completely undressed?

No, you may leave your undergarments on, although most women will remove their bras in order for the massage therapist to have easier access to their back. You will be covered by sheets and a blanket at all times, and only the body part being worked on at any particular time will be exposed, keeping you both warm and comfortable.

Are there any risks associated with massage therapy?

In general, for a healthy individual, massage is safe. However, with some health conditions, massage may be contraindicated. For example, if you have had or are currently undergoing treatment for cancer, if you have a heart condition, a recent surgery, or have blood clots, massage therapy must be cleared by your medical doctor in these cases. A written note from your treating physician would be required before we could book a massage appointment for you. It is also important to list all medications you are currently taking, and any allergies, as this may affect the type of treatment or products used during your massage.

I’m pregnant. Can I still have a massage?

Yes, just inform the reception staff how far along in your pregnancy you will be when booking your massage. That way the therapists will have time to set up the table with one of our many pregnancy pillow support options for your comfort.

Can young children benefit from massage?

Everyone can benefit from massage. However, very young children may have a hard time lying still for long periods of time; Bbooking a half-hour appointment for them is probably sufficient. If your child is involved in competitive sports or activities, they may require more time for a thorough massage. Please keep in mind that anyone under 18 years of age requires a parental consent signature on the intake form. The parent also has the option to be in the treatment room during treatment if the child is more comfortable having them there.

How often do I get a massage?

Depending on your condition, your therapist may recommend once per week for acute issues, or once per month for maintenance. Your therapist can recommend a treatment plan personalized for you. However, ultimately the frequency of visits is entirely up to the patient.

What is lymphatic massage and when is it appropriate?

It is a form of massage using techniques that involve the lymphatic system of the body, not muscular. It is a medical massage administered in specific health conditions or to increase fluid flow through body cells. The technique used is very light and slow. Depending on the severity of lymphatic disease, referral to a lymphatic drainage specialist may be required.

Can I have a massage if I have a cold or flu?

Massage is contraindicated (not recommended) if you are suffering from the cold or flu. It is best to wait until the cold/flu passes to avoid spreading the virus/bacteria and to fully benefit from treatment.

Can I have a massage while menstruating?

Yes, however the massage therapist should be informed so that they can avoid or decrease pressure in the low back area, as required.

Acupuncture FAQs

What happens on my first visit?

An extensive intake form and questionnaire will be given to you, the answers to which will reveal any potentially beneficial treatments required, as well as your main area of concern. Dr. Sourang will review your form, and then use questioning and observation, as well as visual and sensory clues, to come up with a treatment plan personalized for you. Checking your tongue colour and texture, as well as evaluating your pulse, are common diagnostic tools. You will also receive a treatment on your first visit, so allow about 1 hour for the appointment.

How long does a treatment take?

Treatment times can vary depending on the condition being treated, but in general, Dr. Sourang’s treatment sessions are 45 minutes to one hour in length. Once the needles are in place, you will lie still for 20 to 30 minutes before they are removed. The time for treatment depends on the condition being treated, not on a time clock. A shorter treatment time doesn’t mean a less effective treatment, just as a longer treatment time doesn’t mean it is more effective. Children, for example, will experience shorter treatment times.

How many treatments do I need?

This will vary depending on what type of condition (or conditions) you are seeking treatment for. A positive response and improvement can be noted as early as the first treatment, with maximum benefits felt by the sixth treatment or even earlier. Some acute conditions may initially require several treatments per week for maximum benefit.

The first few acupuncture treatments are used mainly to relieve acute symptoms, and after that is achieved, treatment focus switches to harmonizing and balancing the body (the maintenance phase). Many patients find that a maintenance visit a few times a year can keep them in optimal health. Seasonal visits (spring, summer, fall and winter) are good for preventative maintenance.

Please note these are not strict timeframes, as each patient will have an individualized plan based on their condition, and not everyone responds to treatment in exactly the same way. Age and general overall health can affect treatment time and effectiveness. As well, a chronic condition may take longer to heal than an acute injury.

What types of treatments can I get?

Dr. Sourang’s treatment sessions may include a combination of acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, Tui Na, Gui Sha, Maxabustion, Cupping, and Herbal Medicine.

What are the needles like? Does it hurt?

The needles used by Dr. Sourang are very small, fine needles, nothing like the ones you have likely encountered at the doctor’s office or laboratory for drawing blood. They vary in width from 0.16mm to 0.3mm, depending on the area of the body, and thickness of the skin in the area to be treated. The needles are all sterile, individually packaged, and are NEVER re-used. There is sometimes a fleeting “pinching” sensation as the needle is inserted, but usually acupuncture is painless and safe. If you feel any discomfort, please communicate this to Dr. Sourang, and she can modify your treatment.

Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is a widely recognized and accredited drug-free alternative to traditional North American medicine. In addition, it is usually painless and relaxing, and very safe. Any side effects felt are usually beneficial, as the changes made to qi (life energy flow) can benefit many areas of the body, not just the main issue you are having treated. Some people experience a feeling of light-headedness immediately after treatment. Of course, it is very important to make sure your practitioner is certified, licenced and registered.

After many controlled, clinicial trials, The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended and endorsed acupuncture as an effective treatment of respiratory and bronchopulmonary diseases, and many orthopedic, gastrointestinal and neurological disorders as well. It also acknowledges the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture on more than 60 other diseases, symptoms and conditions.

What kinds of conditions, illnesses and diseases can be treated?

Acupuncture is an effective treatment of respiratory and bronchopulmonary diseases, and many orthopedic, gastrointestinal and neurological disorders as well, the most common being pain relief. There are also therapeutic benefits of acupuncture on more than 60 other diseases, symptoms and conditions. The following is a list of common disorders and conditions that Dr. Sourang treats:

  • Addictions
  • Anti-aging
  • Asthma
  • Bell Palsy
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Common Cold
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Facial Rejuvenation
  • Golf Elbow
  • Hair Loss
  • Infertility
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular Menstruation
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Menopausal
  • Migraine
  • Muscle Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Sciatica
  • Seasonal Allergy
  • Sinusitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Vertigo

This is by no means a complete list. If you have an issue that is not listed above, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sourang so she can evaluate you and suggest a treatment plan.

Can anyone have acupuncture?

The answer is yes, with a few exceptions.

If you have complicating factors such as a hemophilic condition, or severe psychosis, or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you should not be treated with acupuncture.

During pregnancy, there may be some acupuncture points that should be avoided, but needles may still be safely used in other areas. With so many other complementary therapies, including acupressure, Tui Na, Gui Sha, and cupping, for example, you can receive many benefits from acutherapy treatment while pregnant.

People of all ages may be treated with acupuncture, including children.

Are there any side effects?

Any side effects felt are usually beneficial, as the changes made to qi (life energy flow) can benefit many areas of the body, not just the main symptom you are having treated. Some people experience a feeling of light-headedness immediately after treatment. Slight bruising may also occur, especially with cupping or Gui Sha. The most commonly reported sensation after acupuncture treatment is a sense of relaxation, or exhilaration.

Active Release Technique FAQs

What is ART?®

Active Release Technique (ART®) is a patented treatment system that focuses on addressing the underlying problems associated with the build-up of scar tissue. With a hands-on approach to treatment, it allows the trained practitioner to both diagnose and treat soft-tissue injuries, which primarily relate to nerves, fascia, tendons, ligaments and muscles. ART® is especially effective at treating RSIs (Repetitive Strain Injuries) – resolving the true cause of these dysfunctions by providing more than just a symptomatic solution. With traditional treatments limited to drugs, heat, cold, rest and massage, ART® provides a more effective way of eliminating the pain, stiffness and weakness associated with soft-tissue injuries.

How is Active Release Technique® different from other common treatments?

While treatments such as massage, physiotherapy and chiropractic all have their benefits, they do not share the same focus that ART® gives to soft-tissue problems. They are therefore not as effective as ART® in identifying and eliminating areas of scar tissue and the problems associated with it. As a result, treatments such as massage and chiropractic are excellent supplements to ART® – not replacements.

Why is ART® so successful?

ART® is so effective due to its emphasis on proper diagnosis and treatment. ART® providers are specifically trained to distinguish between normal and abnormal tissue, which allows them to accurately pinpoint areas of scar tissue. Specific motions are used to create tissue tension and, with the proper touch, break down the scar tissue and return it back to its normal texture. Patients usually know when this has occurred as the tissue is no longer tender and the range of motion is immediately improved.

Is ART® painful?

Since Active Release Technique® involves the remodeling of scar tissue, there is some discomfort during treatment, but most patients describe it as a ‘good hurt’. Treatments are always built around the patient’s specific level of tolerance.

How many treatments are needed?

In most cases, ART® takes about 2-3 treatments to see some improvement in pain and dysfunction, and a total of 6-12 visits to eliminate the problem.

Will my injury return?

Once a soft tissue injury has been treated successfully, it will not return unless the same injury occurs again. To prevent this from occurring, we instruct the patient in different stretching/strengthening exercises and give proper postural/ergonomic recommendations.

Who Can Provide ART® treatments?

Due to the treatment’s exploding popularity, many people claim to practice ART®, but only certified specialists trained in ART® protocols and techniques can provide the treatment. Because of the importance of hands-on training, those who wish to practice ART® must undergo a mandatory training and testing regimen directly with the founder, Dr. Michael Leahy. It’s this advanced training in neuroanatomy, biomechanics and diagnosis that sets certified ART® practitioners apart. In addition, to maintain ART® accreditation, providers must pass a yearly evaluation to receive their re-certification.

Graston Technique FAQs

What is the Graston Technique®?

The Graston Technique® incorporates a patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively detect and treat scar tissue and restrictions that affect normal function.

The Technique:

Separates and breaks down collagen cross-links, and splays and stretches connective tissue and muscle fibers

Increases skin temperature

Facilitates reflex changes in the chronic muscle holding pattern

Alters spinal reflux activity (facilitated segment)

Increases the rate and amount of blood flow to and from the area

Increases cellular activity in the region, including fibroblasts and mast cells

Increases histamine response secondary to mast cell activity

Why is scar tissue a problem?

Scar tissue limits range of motion, and in many instances causes pain, which prevents the patient from functioning as he or she did before the injury.

How is scar tissue different from other tissue?

When viewed under a microscope, normal tissue can take a couple of different fashions: dense, regular elongated fibers running in the same direction, such as tendons and ligaments; or dense, irregular and loose with fibers running in multiple directions. In either instance, when tissue is damaged it will heal in a haphazard pattern–or scarring–that results in a restricted range of motion and, very often, pain.

How are the instruments used?

The Graston Technique® instruments are used to enhance the clinician’s ability to detect adhesions, scar tissue or restrictions in the affected areas. Skilled clinicians use the stainless steel instruments to comb over and “catch” on fibrotic tissue, which immediately identifies the areas of restriction. Once the tissue has been identified, the instruments are used to break up the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body.

Is the treatment painful?

It is common to experience minor discomfort during the procedure and some bruising afterwards. This is a normal response and part of the healing process.

Is Graston Technique® used alone?

No. Whether the injury is work or non-work related, the Graston Technique® protocol is the same. Our protocol includes a brief warm-up exercise, Graston Technique® treatment, followed by stretching, strengthening and ice.

What is the frequency of treatment?

Patients usually receive two treatments per week over 4-5 weeks. Most patients have a positive response by the 3rd to 4th treatment.

Is Graston Technique® something new?

The concept of cross fiber massage is not new. Graston Technique® is grounded in the works of Dr. James Cyriax, an English orthopedic surgeon. The use of our specially designed instruments and protocol is new.

Graston Technique® has become standard protocol in universities and hospital-based outpatient facilities as well as industrial on-site treatment settings such as Indiana University and the University of Michigan. The technique is also being used at industrial settings and by NBA, NHL and Major League Baseball trainers.

What kind of results does Graston Technique® produce?

Historically, the Graston Technique® has resolved 87% or more of all conditions treated. It is equally effective on restoring function to acute and chronic injuries, and pre and post surgical patients.

Click here for Outcome Summary Data of the 17 most common diagnoses.

Can anyone obtain the instruments?

Only clinicians who have been trained and accredited in the Graston Technique® Basic course are qualified to obtain the Graston Technique® instruments and apply the technique to treat patients. The course is offered either on-site or at trainings offered throughout the year at a variety of locations.

Chiropractic Coverage

Depending on your situation and the treatment that you are receiving, you may be protected by external coverage, which can save you out-of-pocket expenses.


As of July 2012, Alberta Health care has been re-instated for seniors! Each senior has access to $200 of care per year (Blue Cross calendar year runs from July 1 – June 30). Coverage is $25 maximum per visit, for an annual total of eight visits. The coverage is administered through Blue Cross and we will assist you in making sure you receive this coverage.

Private Insurance Claims

The services that we offer at Oakridge Chiropractic are often covered by secondary insurance plans. With the exception of motor vehicle and Worker’s Compensation injuries, we do not direct bill insurance companies but assist you in ensuring that you get reimbursed. Please ensure that you are familiar with your policy as it relates to extended health benefits.

Accident Benefits

Have you been injured in an accident? Oakridge Chiropractic provides a range of treatments that can get you back on your feet. To ensure that you receive the coverage that you’re entitled to, we encourage you to understand your options:

Calgary Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) Claims

If you’ve been injured at your workplace, the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) can help. With the aim of helping injured workers return to employment, the WCB provides support through compensation and rehabilitation services. To ensure that you get the care you need and that the WCB can help, you need to follow the proper process and meet the required deadlines. This requires quick action after your accident.

For details about what to do if you are injured on the job and coverage information, you can contact our clinic or visit the WCB website.

Calgary Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Claims

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, time is of the essence; please inform the reception staff that you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident when booking. When you arrive at our office you’ll need to complete the required forms for your insurer and then we will carry out an exam to determine your diagnosis and treatment plan. This must be completed within 10 business days of your accident. By acting quickly, you can ensure that you receive the coverage that you’re entitled to.