Low and Mid Back Pain

Low Back Pain

If you have low back pain, you are part of a large club. In fact low back pain is one of the most burdensome conditions in western nations, but worldwide, low back pain in the single leading cause of disability. In the general population of a western nation like Canada or the US, 35% of people will have experienced low back pain within the last month, and in Canada, 5 in 10 people will experience back pain in the previous 6 months. Over ones life time, 85% of people will have experienced low back pain at some point.

The causes of back pain can be varied and complicated. Ligament and tendon/muscle injuries are obvious when one suffers from a sports injury or car accident, but causes of low back pain often come from less obvious sources, such as sitting for prolonged hours or picking up a pencil from off the floor. Sources of low back pain can be from ligaments or muscle, but can also include joint and disc pathology (like osteoarthritis).

Back pain can also come from organic sources, like kidney stones/infection, cancer, blood clots or bone loss, albeit far less commonly. The chiropractors at Oakridge Chiropractic will assess, diagnose and treat you accordingly and will refer out if appropriate.Back pain can also come from organic sources, like kidney stones/infection, cancer, blood clots or bone loss, albeit far less commonly.The chiropractors at Oakridge Chiropractic will assess, diagnose and treat you accordingly and will refer out if appropriate.

Mid Back Pain

Mid back pain, while less common than low back and neck pain, can be a very annoying, nagging and sometimes debilitating condition. Our mid backs are made up of 12 thoracic vertebrae which are separated by 12 spongy thoracic discs that are shock absorbers for the spine. The spine is held together by ligaments and the surrounding muscles. The thoracic spine is connected to your ribs which together stabilize your torso and protect vital organs such as your heart and lungs.

There are many factors that can cause mid back pain. Strains and sprains are most common caused usually by overuse or awkward motions/falls. Poor posture can lead to imbalance of muscle use which causes weakness and eventual adhesions to build up on muscle (myofascial pain syndrome). Another common condition usually causing sharp pain chiropractors see often are ribs that are “out” or not moving properly otherwise known as a rib subluxation. Symptoms include pain upon inhalation, pain centralized to your chest, overall difficulty breathing, and more. Other causes of mid back pain include arthritis, obesity, fracture, bulging/herniated disc, kidney or gall bladder issues.

Chiropractors are trained to first rule out any more serious conditions through a comprehensive history and exam and referring out if necessary. They then assess the spine for irregular motion and alignment. At Oakridge Chiropractic our certifications in Active Release Techniques, Graston and FAKTR also make us experts in evaluating and treating soft tissue injuries like whiplash, repetitive strain injuries and mid back strains/sprains. Chiropractic care, along with home care instruction including exercises, can effectively manage and often resolve mid back pain.