
Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is a common cause of posterior hip and leg pain that occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated by the piriformis muscle – a muscle that is located deep in the back of the hip. As the sciatic nerve becomes irritated it can lead to symptoms such as pain, tingling and numbness along the path of the sciatic nerve, including into the buttocks and down the back of the thigh.

Excessive or repetitive use with certain sports or occupations can cause this irritation to develop within the piriformis. Prolonged sitting can also strain the piriformis as it stretches the muscle, which reduces blood flow and leads to tightness and irritation.

Problems can develop when the piriformis muscle is subjected to ongoing micro-trauma over the course of weeks or months (i.e. we continue to play the same sports, do the same jobs, or sit all day). This leads to an accumulation of scar tissue, making the piriformis tight, stiff, and inflamed, and may start to compress and irritate the sciatic nerve as it passes underneath the muscle.

The goal of treatment for Piriformis Syndrome is to break-up restrictive scar tissue adhesions and restore normal sliding motion of the sciatica nerve at the hip. Fortunately, ART® in combination with chiropractic adjustments, is a very effective therapy for Piriformis Syndrome, and both Dr. Watson and Dr. Barlot can provide treatment. In stubborn cases of sciatica, acupuncture with Dr. Sourang can often be effective in resolving pain